【同义词辨析】 2020-05-27 忘忧anodyne-nepenthe

anodyne: usually suggests something that soothes or calms often by inducing forgetfulness or oblivion: the ~ of religious fervor. soothe使平静缓解: to calm, or lessen the pain or anger使平静或缓解疼痛愤怒,联想soft柔软,如soothing music舒缓音乐,cold tea is soothing for burns凉茶有助缓解烧伤) (fervor热忱,warm and steady emotions温暖持久的感情,如本例宗教热忱)

opiate: implies a substance that causes a dream state and a delusional happiness and suggests an indifference or false sense of security or well-being: price supports that are ~ for distressed industries.   (opiate鸦片制剂是用opium鸦片制作的药物 a drug that contains opium, used to reduce pain or help sleep能够镇痛安眠,如she had to take opiates to control the pain她不得不服用鸦片制剂来镇痛;还表示使人"忽视重要事情"的麻醉品慰藉物,如the opiate of mass entertainment起到麻痹作用的大众娱乐,或者说大众娱乐是精神鸦片,如it was Karl Marx who said, 'Religion is the opiate of the people'卡尔·马克思曾说"宗教是人民的精神鸦片")

narcotic: applies to something that literally or figuratively produces sleep, stupor or lulling drowsiness: beautiful music used as a ~ to escape from the pressures of work.    (lull: 让人想睡觉,如the soothing music lulls me into sleeping在舒缓音乐下睡着了, lullaby摇篮曲) (drowsy强调深深困倦heavy languor:grew drowsy in the stuffy room闷热房子让人昏昏欲睡)   如a mild narcotic effect温和的催眠作用,还泛指鸦片海洛因等毒品,如he was indicted for dealing in narcotics他因从事毒品交易被起诉,如a narcotics agent缉毒警察

nepenthe: connotes something sweet and pleasurable that is substituted for something painful: the ~ of rest after a hard day's work. (to substitute A for B用A代替B,如they were substituting violence for dialogue他们用暴力取代对话,例句是被动句但意思不变)

anodyne忘忧: 通过忘记镇静缓解,opiate鸦片: 使人产生梦境虚幻快乐虚假幸福,narcotic催眠: 使人入睡恍惚昏昏欲睡,nepenthe忘忧(草药): 用来代替痛苦甜美东西

记忆方法: 1)首字母A NON不存在的东西<==忘忧

         2)忘忧的意思是弱化感觉的东西mean something used to dull or deaden the senses or sensibilities.